Streamlining Azure Quota Management using PowerShell

Managing Azure resources efficiently requires a keen eye on various factors, one of the more critical being quota limits. Azure quotas dictate the maximum number of resources you can provision within your subscription. While these limits are set to ensure resource availability and performance, they can sometimes hinder your operations if not managed effectively.

In this blog post, I’ll cover how you can streamline the process of monitoring them. Traditional methods of reviewing quota limits through the Azure portal can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with multiple subscriptions. Each category must be loaded individually, leading to tedious navigation and potential oversight.

Fortunately, there’s a solution. I’ve created a PowerShell script designed to simplify and expedite the process of generating a comprehensive report on Azure quota limits. The script allows users to effortlessly gather data on quota limits, current usage, and identify any limits that are approaching or exceeding a predefined threshold.

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Enhancing Azure Security: Exporting a Role Assignments Report Easily

Ensuring the security of your Azure resources is paramount. With the ever-evolving threat landscape and the increasing complexity of cloud deployments, maintaining visibility and control over access permissions is crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and preventing unauthorized actions.

Regularly auditing Azure role assignments is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a robust security posture in Azure environments. By reviewing and validating who has access to what resources, organizations can identify and mitigate potential security risks, comply with regulatory requirements, and maintain accountability across their cloud infrastructure.

However, auditing Azure role assignments manually via the portal can be a time-consuming and error-prone process, especially in large-scale deployments with numerous users and resources. This is where automation comes to the rescue.

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How to Auto-expand Azure Navigation Menu’s

In a somewhat bizarre change, Microsoft have taken the decision to auto-minify all of the navigations menu’s found across the portal. Causing many additional clicks to get to the same areas and if you’re anything like me, confusing your muscle memory.

Luckily this is a very simple change to roll back thanks to a new setting found in Appearance + startup views.

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How to Update Azure Resource Group Tags using a CSV & PowerShell

As businesses scale their operations in the Azure ecosystem, ensuring Resource Groups are appropriately tagged becomes a strategic imperative. Yet, merely tagging resources once isn’t enough; regular audits are necessary to maintain alignment with your policies and processes.

Moreover, streamlining this process through automation can significantly enhance operational agility and resource optimization.

Rather than inventing an entirely new tool, why not use the established tools that almost every business already has to hand and which most staff are familiar with?

In this brief article, I’ll cover how to export a list of all Resource Groups and their currently assigned Tags to an Excel CSV file where you can then easily and quickly review it collaboratively with your various resource owners, before using a short PowerShell script to enact any changes across your Azure environment.

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Web Push Notifications using Service Workers and Redirecting to a Specific Page

In today’s hyper-competitive digital landscape, businesses and individuals are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage with their audience and drive conversions. Leveraging Service Workers to deliver these notifications offers businesses a direct and efficient means to communicate with users, even when they’re not actively browsing the website.

This technology enables real-time updates, personalized messages, and targeted promotions to be delivered directly to users’ devices, ensuring timely engagement and maximizing brand visibility.

But how do you actually use Service Workers? This article will briefly cover some sample code I’ve put together using Node.js and Express that allows you to send a notification with a custom title, message and URL that the user will be redirected to when they click or tap the notification.

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AWS – Consolidated Billing not Providing a Single Invoice?

You can use the consolidated billing feature in AWS Organizations to consolidate billing and payment for multiple AWS accounts, but what if this isn’t working and despite following the available AWS documentation you still don’t seem to be receiving Consolidated Billing? I’ll give you something to check that may fix the issue.

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