Resolving ‘Unknown User’ Issue in Microsoft Teams: A Simple Fix

Microsoft Teams is an essential tool for many businesses, providing a centralized platform for communication and collaboration. However, like any software, it can encounter issues that disrupt its seamless operation. One such problem that has been cropping up recently involves users appearing as “Unknown User” in Teams. This often happens when a user’s account has been disabled for a significant period, such as during maternity leave.

The Problem: ‘Unknown User’ in Teams

Imagine returning from an extended leave only to find that your identity in Microsoft Teams has been replaced with the moniker “Unknown User.” This can cause confusion among colleagues and disrupt the flow of communication. The issue typically arises when a user account has been deactivated for a while and then reactivated. Although the account is back in action, Teams might still display the user as “Unknown User.”

Why Does This Happen?

When a user account is disabled, Microsoft Teams and other Office 365 services may lose track of the user’s profile information. Upon reactivation, there can be a lag or a hiccup in updating the user’s profile across all integrated services. This mismatch is what causes the user to be displayed as “Unknown User” to their colleagues.

The Simple Fix: Sign Out and Sign In

The good news is that the fix for this issue is straightforward and does not require deep technical intervention. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Sign Out of Teams: Have the affected user and anyone seeing them as “Unknown User” sign out of their Teams account. This can be done by clicking on their profile picture at the top right of the Teams window and selecting “Sign out.”
  2. Sign Back In: After signing out, the users should close the Teams application completely. Then, restart Teams and sign back in with their credentials.

This process forces Teams to refresh and re-sync with the Office 365 directory, which usually resolves the “Unknown User” issue.


The “Unknown User” issue in Microsoft Teams can be an unexpected hurdle, especially after a long leave. However, with the easy fix of signing out and signing back in, it’s a problem that can be swiftly addressed. By staying informed and prepared, teams can ensure smoother transitions and uninterrupted collaboration.

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